Gram Flour For Skin Benefits & DIY Face Packs

Gram Flour For Skin Benefits & DIY Face Packs

Gram for skin benefits is great. It’s a natural ingredient available in each household. It can do wonders for your skin for different skin-related problems like detaining, fairness, and skin brightening. We have covered below the benefits of gram flour for skin and the best face packs made with gram flour.

Gram Flour For Skin Benefits

  • Gram flour on the skin is used for ages as its rich in proteins, and unsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acids and oleic acids. It has vitamins like Beta carotene and niacin in it.
  • Uses of gram flour on the skin are many as it helps to tackle all kinds of skin problems like tiny bumps, uneven skin complexion, and even sunburns.
  • Gram flour is a great acne fighter and has certain properties in it that help to clear even stubborn acne issues.
  • Gram flour for skin benefits has a major role in tan removal as it acts as a great tan lightener. It has been used for detaining purposes as it brightens up dull skin tone immediately.  
  • Packs prepared out of gram flour help to absorb excess oil and cleanse the skin within. It has great alkalizing properties that maintain the skin’s PH balance. Gram flour for skin benefits has amazing properties which leave skin flawless.
  • When flour is mixed with other moisturizing ingredients like curd and olive oil, it works as a natural skin moisturizer. There is no need for applying extra moisturizer after pack application.
  • Skin exfoliation is very important as it helps to get rid of dead skin cells which maintain skin smoothness. Gram flour works as a natural skin exfoliator and removes dead cells revealing a much brighter skin glow.
  • Gram flour works as a natural hair remover. A scrub prepared of gram flour will help to get rid of unwanted facial hair within 2 to 3 times of application. Read also: CHARCOAL FACE MASK ANTI POLLUTION (PRODUCT REVIEW).

8 Gram flour skin beneficial face packs

Here are 8 Best gram flour face packs that work magically on your skin. You can make these face packs at home naturally.

1. Gram flour and Lemon juice face pack

Gram flour works as a natural skin cleanser. It will help to remove all kinds of build-ups and will remove tan instantly from the skin. It’s even great to treat acne. It’s a natural skin exfoliator and will reduce the oiliness of the face. It’s a great natural skin de-tan. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and will help to fade away all sorts of dark spots and pigmentation from the skin. It regulates oily skin and has potent anti-fungal properties. It naturally lightens skin tone and is effective for treating various skin problems. Milk has natural moisturizing properties that will leave skin soft and supple. It’s rich in lactic acid and is great for treating skin problems. Read also: HOW TO GET RID OF RED ACNE SCARS AND PIMPLES?

How to Make Gram flour and Lemon juice face pack

  • For remedy preparation, take 1 teaspoon of Gram flour in a bowl.
  • Then add two fat pinches of baking powder.
  • Mix then add 1 teaspoon of milk.
  • Finally, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice along with rose water.
  • Your homemade bleach is ready for application.
  • It will leave your skin super moisturized and nourished.
  • Apart from the face, it can be applied on the body and dark areas as well in order to make it even and tan-free.

How to make

Wash your face before application of this bleach. Apply an even layer of this bleach on the skin and keep it good for 5 to 7 minutes on the face and then wash off with normal plain water. It dries off very fast. You can even rub it on the skin in opposite direction in order to remove facial hairs. Once a week application will be good for application as its main purpose is to clean skin from within and to remove tan. The combination of ingredients is skin-friendly and has its own skin benefits.

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egg white and lemon juice skin bleach

Egg white is rich in proteins and helps to tighten the skin naturally. It helps to shrink open pores and makes skin visibly fair. Baking soda helps in pore tightening and mattifies oily skin. It helps to get rid of dead skin cells and aids in pain-free hair removal. 

2. How to prepare egg white and lemon juice skin bleach

  • The second remedy will not only work as skin bleach but will also make your skin tight and glossy.
  • For this, you will be needing egg white.
  • Take egg white in a bowl. then add 1 teaspoon of honey to it.
  • Also, add in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice along with one fat pinch of baking soda.
  • Mix all ingredients well and then add 1 tablespoon of cornflour to it.
  • Bleach is ready to use.

How to use

After it gets prepared it foams up because of the presence of baking soda in it. Application on a clean face is recommended in order to yield better results. Apply an even layer of this pack on the skin and allow it to dry. When dries up apply another layer of it and wait for 5 to 7 minutes. Wash off with normal plain water. Use this remedy,  once in one week or in 10 days. This will not only clean your skin but will help to remove all sorts of skin problems as well. Read also: AMAZING BENEFITS OF WASHING FACE WITH GRAM FLOUR INSTEAD OF SOAP.

3. Gram flour and sandalwood for skin

Sandalwood powder contains antioxidants that help to maintain the structure of skin cells. It reduces skin dryness and replenishes the skin’s natural moisture. It’s even great for increasing skin elasticity. Gram flour used with sandalwood helps to enhance skin tone and helps to reduce blemishes on the skin. Read also: HOW TO USE BAKING SODA FOR MAXIMUM BEAUTY BENEFITS.

How to prepare Gram flour and sandalwood face pack

  • Take one teaspoon of Gram flour in a bowl. In that add half teaspoon of sandalwood powder.
  • Add in a pinch of turmeric along with rose water to adjust the consistency of the pack.
  • Apply on cleansed face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • When dries off wash and apply a good skin moisturizer.

4. Milk and Gram flour for skin Glow

Milk along with gram flour naturally moisturizes the skin. Gram flour for skin benefits helps to achieve a much brighter and fairer skin tone. It helps in skin lightening and helps to brighten up dull skin complexion. This pack helps to add radiance to the skin and is great for repairing dry and damaged skin.

How to prepare Milk and Gram flour face pack

  • In a bowl take two teaspoons of gram flour.
  • Then add in milk to adjust the consistency of the pack.
  • For more good results even malai can be added which provides extra skin moisturization.
  • Add up a pinch of salt and sugar to the pack.
  • Mix well and apply on cleansed face.
  • Let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water.

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5. Tomato Gram flour face pack

Tomato has an abundance of vitamin A and C which makes skin healthy and glowing. They have great anti-aging properties too which prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. It stimulates collagen production and holds skin cells which prevents skin aging issues. Gram flour for skin benefits gives a fairer and brighter glow. Read also: THE FACE SHOP THE SOLUTION BRIGHTENING FACE MASK PRODUCT REVIEW.

How to prepare the tomato and Gram flour face pack

  • First, prepare tomato puree of one or two tomatoes and keep it aside.
  • In a bowl add a teaspoon of gram flour.
  • Then add in a teaspoon of tomato puree along with aloe vera gel.
  • Mix well and if needed add half a teaspoon of curd.
  • Then apply this paste to cleansed face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Then wash off followed by moisturizer.

6. Gram flour and Turmeric face pack

Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which add glow and luster to the skin. It works great for adding a natural glow to the face. If the skin is prone to pimples then even turmeric works great as it has anti-microbial properties in it.

How to make turmeric and gram flour face pack

  • In a bowl add a teaspoon of gram flour.
  • Then add in one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric along with 2 fat pinches of baking soda.
  • Mix well and a teaspoon of soar curd.
  • Apply this on cleansed face and leave it good for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash off.
  • Follow it with a good moisturizer and sunscreen.

7. Honey and Yoghurt face pack with Gram flour

Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which are greatly beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin. It works as a natural humectant that retains skin moisture. Yogurt reduces fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. It increases skin elasticity and protects against UV sun rays. Read also:5 BEST PROVEN WAYS TO GET PINK LIPS AT HOME NATURALLY.

How to make Gram flour, Honey, and yogurt face pack

  1. In a bowl add a teaspoon of gram flour.
  2. Then add in a half teaspoon of yogurt along with half a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Mix well and add 2 to 3 fat pinches of sugar to it.
  4. Mix well and apply on cleansed face.
  5. Leave it good for 10 to 12 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water.
  6. There is no need for extra skin moisturizer after the application of this pack.

8. Oats and gram flour face pack

Oats are a natural skin cleanser just like gram flour. The combination of both ingredients works excellent for the skin. It protects the skin against many skin concerns. It increases skin moisturization levels along with exfoliating dead skin cells.

How to make oats and gram flour face pack

  • Take half a cup of oats in a blender. Prepare a fine powder out of it
  • In a bowl add a teaspoon of gram flour and a teaspoon of oats flour.
  • Mix well both the flours then add some raw milk to adjust the consistency of the pack.
  • Then add half a teaspoon of olive oil for improving the moisturizing properties of this pack.
  • Mix and apply the pack on cleansed skin and leave it good for 10 to 15 minutes on the face.
  • Wash off when it dries. There is no need of applying extra moisturizer after this pack application.

Can I use gram flour daily on my face?

Gram flour can be used daily on the skin as it works as a great skin cleanser. In fact, Gram flour could be replaced by market face washes which we use on daily basis. Prepare a natural face wash with a combination of different ingredients along with gram flour which will give great skin results. Different ingredients that could be added up are rice flour, urad dal powder, oats powder, red lentils powder, etc.

Is Gram flour good for oily skin?

Skin is said to be oily when it produces excess oil on the face. This oil will make the skin glow and will give it a more oily look. The problem is usually seen in teenagers as excess oil is produced due to hormonal disturbances. This excess oil will cause skin breakouts and is more prone to turn into pimples or acne if the condition worsens more.

When gram flour is used on oily skin it not only works to heal acne and pimple issues but will also make your skin look cleansed. The excess oil is absorbed by it which maintains the skin PH balance.

Is Gram flour good for dry skin?

Gram flour is an overall skin cleanser for all types of skin. Gram flour no doubt is good for dry skin but it works better when mixed with other moisturizing ingredients. Skin is said to be dry when it gives a matte look on the face. Dry skin looks dull and unattractive.

If Gram flour is used alone on dry skin it will make the skin drier. When mixed with curd or olive oil it enhances the moisturizing properties of the pack which makes the skin shiny and glowing.

Is Gram flour good for skin whitening?

Gram flour is a traditionally used ingredient in skin care. No product will improve any person’s complexion two to three shaded fairer. Just like, Gram flour also will work as a great skin cleanser. It helps to fade away dead skin cells along with black and white heads thereby revealing a much brighter and fairer skin tone. It gives a blemish-free and tan-free appearance to the skin.

Gram flour substitute for skin

Gram flour can be substituted with other flours if someone is prone to any sort of allergies. Different flour-like oats flour, almond flour, millet flour, sorghum flour, and whole wheat flour can be used. All these flours are also skin-friendly and give healthy and super soft skin.

Gram flour is an overall ingredient that suits every skin tone. This least inexpensive ingredient has amazing properties which help to get rid of all sorts of major and minor skin problems. For more skin and hair-related information follow us on beautiful you.