Wrinkle on Face: Easy Natural Homemade Remedies
Wrinkle on Face: Easy Natural Homemade Remedies

Wrinkles on Face: Easy Natural Homemade Remedies

As a person ages skin tends to lose its elasticity and moisture. The wrinkles that appear on the face are in a perpendicular direction to the muscles present on the face. When person ages, elastin and collagen fibres degrade which results in the cause of wrinkles on the skin. In today’s remedy, you will get to know about simple remedies that will help to fade away Wrinkles on the face. Read also: REMOVE PIMPLES (ACNE) OVERNIGHT NATURALLY AT HOME.

What causes wrinkles on the face?

  • Excess exposure to pollution
  • More use of cosmetics
  • Smoking
  • The constant change of creams used in skin care
  • Lack of vitamin D3.

Areas of skin prone to wrinkle formation

Face skin is most sensitive when compared to the rest of the body. That’s why the appearance of wrinkles on the face is quite more common than on other body parts. Wrinkles at early signs are seen around eye areas. Then it’s seen on the forehead, laughing lines and wrinkles on the forehead as well. Neck wrinkles are even seen as person ages as the skin starts sagging. Over time wrinkles on the chest, hands and feet are also seen.

How to reduce wrinkles on the face

  • Wearing sunscreen when moving out in the sun.
  • Limiting the intake of sugar in the diet
  • Cut on smoking habits
  • Use some good moisturisers on the skin
  • Boost your diet with Beta Carotene rich foods
  • Switching up sleeping positions
  • Washing of face regularly
  • Boosts your diet with antioxidant-rich foods

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11 remedies to reduce wrinkles on the face

1. aloe vera and milk to reduce wrinkles

Fresh aloe vera gel naturally helps in increasing the production of collagen on the skin. With this ageing signs could be prevented. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face is much reduced. The work of collagen is to provide skin elasticity and helps to tighten the skin giving a much firmer appearance. Milk helps to remove all sorts of impurities and is a natural skin-lightening agent. It helps to heal skin which is dry and damaged. Makes skin supple and soft and also helps to reduce enlarged skin pores. Read also: HOMEMADE FACE PACK FOR DRY SKIN IN WINTER.

How to make

  • No matter how simple this remedy is, at the same time it will leave your skin hydrated and nourishing.
  • For remedy preparation, you will need fresh aloe vera gel.
  • Peel off the outer skin and add the pulp into the blender
  • Run into a fine paste.
  • Remove it to a bowl.
  • In that aloe vera gel add 2 teaspoons of milk That’s it.
  • Whisk everything well and the pack is ready for application.
How to use:

After washing your face you can take this mixture on a cotton pad and wipe off your entire face. You will see live results after cleaning your skin with a cotton pad. It pulls off all sorts of dirt and impurities, making skin healthy and fresh. For best results, use it daily at any part of the day or before bedtime. It will leave your skin nourished and healthy. Not only does it give you healthy skin but it leaves skin free of wrinkles and fine lines. It even helps to delay the ageing process upon application. This remedy is one of the best skin cleansers which can be used when someone is going to face any special day of their life.

2. curd and vitamin e to reduce wrinkles

Curd helps to maintain skin elasticity and helps to remove all kinds of skin dullness and pigmentation. It works as a natural skin exfoliator and provides hydrated and glowing skin. It naturally lightens dark circles and slows down the ageing process. Read also: HOMEMADE FACE PACK FOR DRY SKIN IN WINTER.

How to make

  • Here is another simple remedy which can be applied to make the skin free of wrinkles and dark spots.
  • For remedy preparation, take 2 teaspoons of curd in a bowl.
  • In that add in fine granulated sugar which is used for preparing sweets.
  • Then add 2 capsules of vitamin E to the curd mixture and mix well.
  • The pack is ready for application.
How to use:

Before massaging your face with the pack prepared, wash your face with a good cleanser. Then apply the pack in an even layer on the skin. Once it dries off apply another layer on the skin and start massaging the face with a splash of raw milk. Massage is good for 10 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water. It can be used twice or thrice a week for achieving baby soft skin. There is no need for a moisturiser after the application of this pack. It adds a nourished and healthy glow to the skin. Read also: MCAFFEINE NEEM CAFFEINE FACE WASH (PRODUCT REVIEW).

3. Argan oil and aloe vera to reduce wrinkles

Argan oil is a tried and tested wrinkle-free home remedy. The presence of fatty acids in it with vitamin E helps to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Aloe vera leaf is rich in antioxidants which help to prevent the appearance of wrinkles to a much greater extent.

How to use

  • Take a teaspoon of argan oil in a bowl.
  • Then add half a teaspoon of aloe vera gel to it.
  • Mix well and apply it to the skin.
  • It can be left as such for the overnight period and wash it off in next morning.

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4. Honey and yoghurt to reduce wrinkles

Honey has great moisturising properties that aid to provide soft and supple skin. It balances skin PH and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Yoghurt has lactic acid in it and helps to shrink the size of a skin pore. It exfoliates the skin and changes dry and dull skin into soft and succulent skin texture.

How to use

  • Take a teaspoon of yoghurt in a bowl.
  • Then add half a teaspoon of honey to it.
  • Mix well and apply it to the skin.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off with plain water.

5. Coconut and olive oil mixture to reduce wrinkles

The combination of these two oils works wonders for the skin. They have great moisturising and hydrating properties which prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Olive oil has antioxidants in it which helps to protect the skin against free radicals which causes ageing problems. These oils maintain skin elasticity as well.

How to use

  • In a glass container take equal quantities of coconut and olive oil.
  • Mix them well.
  • Apply a few drops of oils on the face and massage for good 2 minutes.
  • Leave it for an overnight period.
  • Wash off the next morning

6. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey to Reduce wrinkles

Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties in it which help to maintain the PH level of the skin. It helps in skin exfoliation along with adding brightness and smoothness to the skin. It greatly helps to remove dead skin cells and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.

How to use

  • Take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  • Then add a tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Mix well and apply this mixture to the skin.
  • Leave it for 15 to 20  minutes and then wash off with plain water.

7. Vaseline to reduce wrinkles

The simple petroleum jelly is celebrities’ favourite too. It locks moisture in the skin and leaves it hydrated. As it has oil in it it’s not recommended for those whose skin is oil-based. Read also: HOW TO USE BAKING SODA FOR MAXIMUM BEAUTY BENEFITS.

How to use

  • Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the skin.
  • After application massage it on the skin for a few minutes until the mixture is absorbed on the skin completely.
  • Leave it for an overnight period and wash it off the next morning.

8. Egg white to reduce wrinkles

Egg white is rich in proteins which prevent the sagging of skin. It tightens the skin permanently and helps to erase fine lines and wrinkles from the skin. It contains collagen in it which helps to maintain skin elasticity. Laughing lines are wrinkles around the eye area that can be greatly reduced with the application of egg white once a week.

How to use

  • In a bowl take egg white of an egg.
  • Whisk well and apply it to the skin.
  • Leave it till dries off and then wash off with plain water.
  • Repeat this remedy every 10 days for the best skin results.

9. Avocado and cucumber juice to reduce wrinkles

Cucumber juice contains 95% water along with minerals and vitamins. One application can help to reduce wrinkles and dark circles. Avocado helps to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. It’s used in many anti-ageing creams. Read also: THE FACE SHOP THE SOLUTION BRIGHTENING FACE MASK PRODUCT REVIEW.

How to use

  • Take an avocado and make a fine paste out of it.
  • To the pulp required add the juice of cucumber to it.
  • Mix well and apply it to the face for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with normal plain water.
  • Visible results could be noticed.

10. Rosehip oil and lemon juice for wrinkles

Rosehip oil is excellent for deep wrinkles and to prevent early signs of ageing. It’s rich in vitamin A and other fatty acids which penetrate deep into skin layers and lighten scars on the face. Lemon is rich in vitamin C which helps to rebuild collagen in the skin. This way it works great to fade away wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.

How to use

  • Take half a teaspoon of Rosehip oil in a bowl.
  • Then add in few drops of lemon juice to it.
  • Mix well and apply it to the skin.
  • It can be left overnight or can be washed off after an hour.
  • Overnight applications give great results.

11. Shea Butter and Turmeric to reduce wrinkles

Shea butter is extremely hydrating for the skin. It’s great to be used for those who have dry skin. When applied to the skin it helps to improve skin elasticity which promotes the synthesis of collagen in the skin. Turmeric has healing properties in it and helps to rejuvenate skin cells.

How to use

  • Take a teaspoon of Shea butter in a small glass container.
  • Add a pinch of turmeric to it.
  • Mix both of them well and apply them to the skin.
  • It can be used as a night cream.
  • Apply this cream daily on the skin during bedtime and wash it off the next morning.
1. What causes facial wrinkles?

Ageing is a natural process. When ageing starts it’s natural for the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. Even facial movements and expressions such as smiling can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. When facial muscles are used for different expressions a groove is formed beneath the skin. When person ages down skin lose flexibility it doesn’t come back the same way on the skin which causes wrinkles to appear.

2. What foods cause wrinkles?

A healthy diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants can prevent the maximum appearance of wrinkles on the skin. When the diet is loaded with sugars and fats ageing process speeds up. Eating food such as dough nuts and sugary pastries are packed with sugars which causes wrinkles. Even processed meats are high in saturated fats along with nitrates which causes the appearance of wrinkles. Alcohol is also a reason for wrinkles development

3. What are the best anti ageing foods to eat?

There are plenty of anti-ageing foods. All colourful fruits and veggies can stop the ageing process. Examples are papaya, plums, avocados, spinach, nuts, blueberries, cherries, eggs, and all three kinds of colourful bell peppers. All of them are the best anti ageing foods.

4. How can I look 10 years younger than my age?

There is a need to correct the lifestyle in order to stop early signs of ageing. Maintain a good posture, always wear sunscreen, exercise, eat anti ageing foods, eat lots of veggies, sleep at least for 8 to 9 hours and most important follow a good skincare routine.