20 Chest Workouts to Add to Your Upper Body Workouts

When talking about workouts most women focus on lower body movements as they think that’s more important. Chest exercises are great for making the back straight. Chest and back muscles often get ignored during workouts. That’s wrong but, if you train your upper body in a proper way then you will receive absolutely good posture and feels strong. Chest exercises are great for making back straight.

When you perform chest exercises you work on triceps muscles too. There is nothing again to work on the triceps muscles. So, chest exercises are best for your chest as they challenge the upper body in a great way.

Here go the 20 Best Chest Exercises:

These chest exercises also work on the triceps, shoulders, core, and back as well along with the chest. You can incorporate these workouts by mixing things up such as one should be a combination of body weight. The other could be lying on the floor. For some use dumbbells to challenge things up.

The benefits of adding variations are that it allows hitting all the muscle groups from different angles. The main muscle is worked at the same time but in a different way. These Chest exercises are easy to perform.

Time: 20 -25 minutes

Equipment: dumbbells, mat

Good for: chest, arms, upper body


Choose 5 to 8 exercises below and perform 10 to 12 reps, then rest for 15 seconds, then go for the next exercise. Once each workout is completed, rest for 1 minute and then repeat the entire circuit twice for a total of 3 rounds.

If you want to go for a total body workout alternate chest exercises with lower-body moves such as deadlifts to consider as a total body workout.

1. Hand Release Push up:

Start in a higher plank position and keep shoulders over the wrist. Keep your core engaged, bend elbows and lower the body to the floor. On the floor, lift your hands a few inches into the air. Then return to normal position. That’s one rep. It’s an easy chest exercise.

2. Bear Plank Shoulder Tap:

Bear on all fours and keep your knees slightly elevated off the floor. Keep your back flat and keep shoulders and hips at one level. Lift right hand and bend elbow to touch the right shoulder with it. The same goes for other hands. That’s one rep.

3. Isometric Chest Squeeze:

Hold a pair of dumbbells at chest height. Keep your palms facing it. Stand in such a position so that your left foot is slightly in front of your right leg. Squeeze dumbbells upside together till straight up until your elbows go slightly over your shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds and return to start. It’s a great chest exercise.

4. Glute Bridge Press:

On the mat start lying on the back and keep distance between hips and feet. Keep your knees bent. Keep a distance of 6 inches away from the butt. Keep your arms out at the sides and bend the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Keep your core engaged and lift your hips off the floor. In this position hold and press weights towards the ceiling. Then lower weights down. That’s one rep.

5. Push up:

Obtain a high plank position and keep shoulders over the wrist. Keep core tight, legs straight and engaged. Don’t bend your body, maintain a straight line from head to heel. Bend elbows to lower body till the floor. Then push back to start. That’s one rep.

6. Plank Get Up:

Bend in a lower plank position and keep forearms on the floor in a parallel position. Then with right forearms press through palms to keep ram straight. Then go with left arm to come int higher plank. Keep your hips level maintained. Reverse movement to start again.

7. Incline Push up:

You will need any sort of high table for this step. Start in a high plank position and keep your hands elevated at the table. Your wrist should bear the weight, keep your core engaged, legs straight and engaged.

A straight line should be maintained from head to heel and bend elbows to lower body towards the surface. Then press back to start. That’s one rep.

8. Decline Push up:

Start in a higher plank position and keep elevated on any chair or bench. Lower your body with elbows bent at 45 degrees so that upper arms are parallel to the ground. Then press back up. That’s one rep.

9. Dumbbell Floor Press:

On the mat lie down on the back. Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in both hands with the back of upper arms resting on the floor. From this position, press dumbbells up by extending your arms straight. Then lower weights down until triceps touch the floor. That’s one rep. It’s an effective chest exercise.

10. Mountain Climber Push up:

In a higher plank position perform a push-up. Then pull the right knee towards the chest and then return to start. Perform the same with your left leg as of you are climbing a mountain. Count four and then alternate with other legs. That’s one rep.

11. Seated Arnold Press:

Sit down with the torso leaned slightly back, keep your legs extended forward and knees softly bent. Back of Heels on the floor and arms should point sideways by holding a pair of dumbbells. Bent elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and bring in front of the body in line with the shoulders. Palms should face you.

Maintain this shape and bring arms wide out to the sides and press weight a few inches upwards. reverse movement by bringing arms in front of the face.

12. Alternating Dumbbell Floor Press:

On the yoga mat, Lie down on your back. Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend both arms upwards. This is your start position. Keep your right arm straight and slowly bend your left elbow until the left triceps touches the floor. Then bring the dumbbell back and repeat with the next hand.

13. Lying Dumbbell Chest Fly:

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold weights in each hand and both elbows away from the body side at an angle of 45 degrees.

This is your start position. Then bring back your arms to the floor and keep your core engaged. Exhale and bring arms above chest with a slight bend in arms. Then reverse back the movement. That’s one rep. It’s a great chest exercise.

14. Closed Grip Chest Pressed:

On the mat, keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing together. Keep dumbbells together and press weights up over chest till arms are straight. Then reverse back. That’s one rep.

15. Close Grip Push up:

Start in a high plank position. Place your hands beneath your chest instead of your shoulders. Bend elbows straight back towards feet and bend lower body towards the floor. Keep your upper arms close to your sides. Then push back to start again. That’s one rep.

16. Chest Fly:

On the mat, lie down on your back and keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lower arms to sides of the body parallel to shoulders. Your hands should be 6 inches off the ground. Slowly reverse to start again. That’s one rep. It’s one of the best chest exercises.

17. Single Arm Dumbbell Floor Press:

On the yoga mat, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and extend it upwards over the chest with the palm facing away. Slowly bend the arm to lower to the side until the triceps touches the ground. Reverse movement to start again. That’s one rep.

18. Push up Hold:

Start in plank position. Keep distance between feet hip and shoulders over wrists. A straight line should be maintained from head to heel. Lower body down and hold in place about 6 inches above the mat.

Drop knees to press back up to plank. In 45 seconds complete as many reps as possible. Then rest for 10 seconds and continue to move.

19. Tabletop Chest Press:

Lie down on the back and keep your feet lifted so that your legs form a 90-degree angle. Hold a weight in each hand and extend your arm upwards with palms facing toward the feet. Slowly bend rams and lower them to sides in parallel to shoulders and elbows touching the ground. Then reverse the movement to start again. That’s one rep. in 50 seconds complete as many reps as possible. This is a great chest exercise.

20. Pec Squeeze:

Sit on heels kneeling on the mat. Hug a stability ball with slightly bent arms in front of the chest with hands and forearms. Squeeze the ball, hold for 3 seconds. Then release.

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