20 Ways to Jump Start Your Weight Loss After 40

Losing and maintaining weight is a lifelong process. A fitness routine is different for every age group. As we age down, it’s necessary to bring down changes in our fitness routine. Our weight loss goals can differ as we age. So, if you are observing that losing weight after 40 is becoming difficult, then don’t panic.

There are many factors to consider. For e.g., our body’s metabolism, body composition, and body hormones do change. That means the weight-loss strategies which used to work for you won’t work anymore. Either you could need more extra weeks to start the weight loss process after 40. Weight loss after the 40s could be a bit challenging to work for.

There could be many reasons but important ones are:

  1. One reason could be that your muscles mass starts to lose after 40. This could bring changes in your body’s metabolism, states Keri Peterson, MD, Women’s health advisor.
  2. If you have higher muscle mass then your body’s metabolism is much boosted, so you can burn more calories.
  3. On the other hand, if you have less muscle mass, then your metabolism slows down. So, the body’s burning capacity of calories also decreases.
  4. Menopause also could be a barrier to weight loss. Although it happens in the 50s the transition period starts in the late 40s itself. So, the hormonal changes come with the new phase of life making it difficult to lose weight.

All these changes make it very easy for you to gain weight, after your 40s, according to the author of “The Superfood Swap”. Do not expect a steady increase in your scale number. Embrace new techniques or make new changes so that it becomes easy to lose weight.

What is the secret to weight loss after 40?

The main motto behind weight loss is that you should develop habits that could build or maintain your muscle mass. Women can boost their metabolism most effectively by building muscles by means of strength training and weight lifting. Sound healthy habits and good sleep also play a role.

Here are 20 tips for weight loss after 40:

If your weight loss journey is becoming difficult after the 40s, then try these tips backed up by experts so that you could maintain for life long process.

1. Load up on your fruits and veggies:

Vegetables are particularly low in calories but still packed with vitamins and minerals. You can easily eat them in large amounts. According to Dr. Peterson, “veggies are rich in fiber which leaves us full for longer time periods”.

Another Nutrition and Diabetic expert say that fruits and vegetables help us to control the portion size. If you half fill your plate with veggies, you will feel satisfied, and also you can control your portion size. Since veggies are low in calories, our overall calorie content also reduces at meals which promotes weight loss after 40.

2. Eat more protein to lose weight after 40:

Proteins take a longer time to digest when compared with carbohydrates and fats. Although it’s not necessary to go on high protein content should be increased from 15 to 30 % of your total calories. This helps in boosting your calorie intake which speeds up the weight loss process.

It’s recommended to take 20 to 30% of the protein per meal. Include the same in all your meals and include high protein snacks as well. “This helps to prevent lean muscle protein breakdown that decreases muscle mass percentage, increases fat percentage which slows metabolic rate, says the author. Muscle burns calories, fat doesn’t.

3. Avoid fried foods:

This diet tip is followed by all age groups. It’s simple that fried foods contain a whole lot of fat which leads to weight gain. In the late 40s, it becomes even more difficult to digest the calories from fried foods. This makes it difficult to lose weight.

At the age of 20s, our bodies have the capacity to build muscle mass. After the 20s, it stops.

4. Make your breakfast nice and hearty:

Breakfast is the king for the rest of the day. No matter for any age group. An ideal breakfast should be based on lean proteins, fiber, and plant-based fats. All these food groups help to curb hunger and cravings for rest of the day.

5. Watch what you eat at night:

It’s a myth that eating at night could lead to weight gain. Most of the issue arises when we don’t have an option to eat at night. What we eat matters a lot more than how much we are eating. Calorie-dense foods such as a bowl of ice cream or high sugary foods can tend to increase weight easily.

6. Eat slowly and mindfully:

Key is the listening to your body. “Eat when you are hungry, not starved”. Stop when you are satisfied. Try to include small and frequent meals which are high in protein, and healthy fats that leave you full for a long time.

When we see delicacy on plates, we gobble it up immediately. “Eat slowly without distractions so that you can feel when you are full.

7. Drink less soda:

Sodas are sugary-based drinks that can increase your blood sugar levels. This will cause your body to store more fat. It contains empty calories. After aging 40s it will become even more difficult to shed those extra calories.

8. Cut down on alcohol:

Alcohol can stimulate appetite which makes it easier to overindulge. When alcohol is consumed, poor food choices are adopted which can fill in with unhealthy food causing weight gain.

9. Add hormone balancing food to your diet:

As we age hormones do change. During menopause, the hormone named estradiol decreases which are responsible for regulating metabolism. This leads to weight gain.

Diet rich in phytoestrogens should be consumed such as flax seeds, sesame seeds, dried fruits, and soybeans which will help to offset the hormonal balance.

10. Do a total body strength routine:

Strength training should be a part of your routine. Try to do one muscle every day. Break it up by making a leg day, back, chest, shoulders, and triceps. The remaining 2 days a week focus on cardio and core.

11. Focus on training your core:

For women over 40, core exercises help to maintain the balance and mobility of their bodies. Ab workouts generally help to target your core muscles and reduce belly fat. When we work on abdominal muscles, it can help us to stay active and target our waistline.

12. Balance training is major:

Balance training involves strengthening two muscle groups at a time. For example your abs and butt. When we try to improve balance, we can stay active and healthy for the rest of our life. It avoids injury too.

13. If you are starting from scratch, work your way up:

A start is always necessary to fuel your body. If you are confused about where to start then start with running. Then add up more arm workouts and a few bicep curls. Jumping jacks are even great. Don’t try to cover all things at once. The start is most important.

14. Be careful not to over-exercise:

It’s necessary to stay committed but do not overdo it. Work out and see how your body responds. Take breaks so that you can see results. Overdoing can backfire on your workout.

15. Track what you eat using a food diary app:

What you put into your body is important so that you can make better food choices and control portion sizes. If you are unaware of the calories, you are putting in then take the help of calorie calculators, so that you can maintain your weight.

16. Stay hydrated:

Many people make a habit of consuming water at least 3 to 4 liters a day. This is so because water can help to detox your body and stimulates. Hot water with lemon or cinnamon is considered ideal for targeting body fat.

17. Try to reduce stress:

In life as responsibilities increase, stress also increases. Stress actually can increase the level of the hormone named cortisol, which causes the body to store more fat rather than burning it up. Breathing exercises should be practiced to manage stress.

18. Get your thyroid checked:

If you are keeping everything in check such as staying in a calorie deficit as per age, stressing less, and performing strength training still not able to lose weight? Then check your thyroid levels because hypothyroidism mostly affects middle-aged women.

19. Get a good night’s rest regularly:

Lack of proper sleeping habits could also lead to weight gain. When we sleep for less than 7 hours the hormone named ghrelin is increased, while leptin which reduces hunger cues is reduced. This way we tend to eat high sugary and fat foods leading to weight gain.

20. Get support from friends and family:

when you have company, you can even work better at the gym. Also, family support is important to serve you the best nutritious meals. That way, weight loss after 40 becomes quite easy.

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